Participate in Research

Study of people living with HIV and Taking Certain Medications
Protocol: STUDY00003629
Full Title
Bictegravir in the Elderly Living with HIV: Impact of Polypharmacy and Multimorbidity
This study enrolls people who are HIV positive who are taking certain medication. If a person take Stribilid® or Genvoya®, there may be changes in the way their body uses or removes other medications. We want to study another approved treatment, Biktarvy®, that we believe is less likely to affect how the body handles other medications that a person is currently taking. This switch may improve quality of life.

You will be in this study for about 24 weeks. You will switch your current therapy from Genvoya® or Stribild® to Biktarvy® and complete three surveys over the course of the study. You will attend in-person visits and physical exams and give blood and urine samples. Study takes place at Evergreen Health in Buffalo, NY.
Compensation: Yes
Compensation may include cash, checks, gift cards, debit cards, or incentives like gift baskets, technology items, or merchandise.
-Adults ages 18+.
-Positive for HIV.
-Taking current antiretroviral therapy GenvoyaTM or StribildTM for HIV-1 infection.
-Taking at least 1 or more other prescription medications.
Age Group: Adults
Want to Learn More?

Let us know how the study team can reach you. If you do not hear back within 2 business days, then reach out to the study team directly at the contact information above and someone will assist you.

Your information will be shared only with the research study team and administrative staff for recruitment and will remain confidential. Your information will be stored until study recruitment is closed. Should you no longer want this information to be provided in the aforementioned ways, please contact the study team directly.

Thank you for your interest. This study has restricted recruiting for participants and is not accepting inquiries at this time. If you are interested in learning more about studies at UB, you can sign up for the Buffalo Research Registry.
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