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Showing Active Clinical Trials
The goal of this study is to evaluate the safety, effectiveness and tolerability of a drug compound (AVP- 786) for the treatment of agitation associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease causes loss of brain cells and problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Agitated behaviors, such as irritability and restlessness, physical and verbal aggression, and pacing and wandering are major problems in this condition, can be difficult to manage, and can impact your quality of life. AVP-786 is targeted at treating your agitation behaviors. Caregivers are being asked to take part in this research study because the participants may require assistance to complete study procedures and/or attend study visits. Participation in this study will last for approximately 20 weeks and include site visits throughout the study. Read More
Patients 50 to 90 years of age (inclusive) with clinically significant, moderate-to-severe agitation for at least 2 weeks prior to screening that interferes with daily routine per the Investigator's judgment, and who require pharmacotherapy for the treatment of agitation per the Investigator's judgment after an evaluation of reversible factors and a course of nonpharmacological interventions. A...
+1 716-323-0549
This study enrolls adults ages 55-90 who have concerns about memory. The purpose of the Memory Improvement Through Nicotine Dosing (MIND) study is to learn whether Nicotine absorbed through the skin through a daily nicotine patch improves attention, learning, and memory in folks with mild cognitive impairment. Read More
Adults ages 55-90.
Must be a non-smoker.
Must have a memory concern as reported by participant, study partner, or clinician.
Study Partner is available who has frequent contact with the participant (e.g. an average of 10 hours per week or more), and can accompany the participant to most visits to answer questions about the participant.
+1 716-888-4722
Nicholas Audino
Showing Active Clinical Trials
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