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Integrative Health Elective for Pharmacy Students
Protocol: STUDY00003940
Full Title
Design and Evaluation of an Integrative Health Elective for Pharmacy Students
This study enrolls pharmacy students at the University at Buffalo. The purpose of this study is to design an integrative health elective for pharmacy students and evaluate their knowledge and perceptions before and after taking the elective.

A pharmacist is trained to assess disease states and treatment plans, but what is often overlooked is how a person's lifestyle can affect their overall wellness. As it is becoming increasingly popular to view an individual as a whole (patient-centeredness), one’s lifestyle, specifically food choices, has become an essential component. This idea is known as 'integrative medicine'. In pharmacy school, there is very little taught about food choices and lifestyle management when disease states and their treatments are discussed, as the main focus is disease and symptom management using pharmacotherapy, which is why this elective is being offered.

A survey will be given to pharmacy students enrolled in an Integrative Health elective at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The survey will be given before the elective starts and again after the elective is over. Study takes place at University at Buffalo's South Campus.
Compensation: No
People ages 18+.
Students must be enrolled in the Integrative Health elective through UB's School of Pharmacy.
Age Group: Adults
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